



塩沢由典 2018『経済に「国」はいらない/ジェイン・ジェイコブズを読む』SURE.
書評 服部茂幸『エコノミスト』2019年3月8日


Y. Shiozawa and T. Fujimoto 2018 The nature of international comptition. Chap.2, pp. 43-96 in T. Fujimoto and F. Ikuine (eds.) Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution. Sprigner Japan, Tokoyo.

Y. Shiozawa 2018 Product Variety for Effective Deman Creation. Chap.3, pp.97-122 in in T. Fujimoto and F. Ikuine (eds.) Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution. Sprigner Japan, Tokoyo.

塩沢由典 2018 リカード国際価値論の現代的意義と可能性.『国際経済』(日本国際経済学会)第69巻、pp.41-61.


2018年2月17日 同志社大学・今川校地 至誠館5階
前回の「生産可能集合に頼らない国際価値論」の枠組みを簡単に復習したあと、正則な国際価値の新しい定式により、失業問題をより具体的に分析・展開するための構想について報告します。「認容な全域木」(競争パタンの特殊なもの)にはひとつの正の国際価値(正則な国際価値)が対応する。したがって、競争パタンが変わらないならば、国際貿易下にあっても、一国固定価格経済と同様の議論ができる。問題は、極端な失業や労働力不足などにより、国際的な賃金率体系が変わり、競争パタンが変化する場合である。なお、有効需要を経済全体の水準で議論するには、ケインズの I = S とは異なる資金循環分析が必要となる。この点を打破する試みとして、ロバートソン・岡田の恒等式を紹介する。 報告資料PPT.

2018.3.30 九州大学(福岡)
報告資料 報告論文

2018年4月28日 明治大学・駿河台校舎

The 17th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, July 2-4, 2018.
Semi-plenary Session I (13:20-15-00, 3 July)
Y. Shiozawa, Microfoundations of Evolutionray Economics.
Professor Emeritus, Osaka City University. President (2002-2005) and fellow of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics. 2016 JAFEE prize winner.
Based on his forthcoming book co-authored with M. Morioka and K. Taniguchi, Shiozawa reports how a modern version of the classical theory of value (i.e. Ricardo’s cost-of-production theory of value) provides analytical framework for evolutionary economics. Its basic tenet is the fundamental separation of price and quantity adjustments. This is in sharp contrast with neoclassical general equilibrium theory. Prices and quantities have clear different functions. The price stability obtained from extended version of Samuelson's non-substitution theorem provides a basis for technical choice and development, which is one of main pillars of evolutionary economics. The new theory of international values provides similar results for international trade situation. This opens the possibility to analyze the emergence of global value chains and technical change in the international competition.

International Conference on Economic Theory and Policy 2018
16-18 September, 2018, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
Keynote Lecture: Microfoundations for Post Keynesian Economics.
Y. Shiozawa Professor Emeritus, Osaka City University.
Unfortunate history forced Post Keynesian (PK) economics to refuse microfoundations and remained a field of economics, which stands on fragile theoretical bases and relies on the insight of researchers. I contend in this talk that the new theory, developed in the forthcoming book by M. Morioka and K. Taniguchi and me, provides the analytical framework for PK economics. The new theory is constructed in an essentially sequential way, and explains, for the first time after Arrow and Debreu's General Competitive Model, that "a social system moved by independent actions in pursuit different values" works by actions of minimally rational agents. On the other hand, the new theory is finely disaggregated. Interacting with other firms as suppliers and procurers of inputs, each firm produces its products as much as they sell. The principle of effective demand is obtained at the firm level. Thus, the new theory is free from infinitely-rational agent, equilibrium framework, and representative agent, and firmly contains the principle of effective demand. Aggregating activities of all agents, we get macroeconomic theory, which was traditionally the unique level of PK economics. PK economics now has microfoundations that connect actions of individual agent, their interactions, and macro-level movement. With the new theory, PK economics can develop the analyses like globalization, institutional and technical change, and can supersede the neoclassical economics and macroeconomics based on it.

PRIMA 2018 Workshop on Artificial Market
2018.10.30 AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Japan
Y. Shiozawa, Economics and the Third Mode of Scientific Research Method.
Simulation is the third mode of scientific research method, after the theory and the experiment (including the observational study). Agent-based simulation, or multi-agent systems analysis, is for economics the third mode of scientific research method after theory and empirical studies. Artificial market is a typical example of agent-based simulation. In this presentation, I first argue the status of agent-based simulation in economics: Why do we need agent-based simulation? In which aspect of research can the agent-based simulation make the greatest contribution to the further development of economics? To elucidate these questions we need a short history of economics.



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